Scenes (Landscapes and Seascapes etc)

In this section we have included images that may not meet everyone's definition of landscapes or seascapes, so we prefer to use the term "scenes" to give a little latitude to that which we like to portray

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Though these first 2 images are of course photographs, they almost take on the appearance of paintings, which is great for a photographer who is totally inept at drawing or painting!

Stone in a River Bed, New Zealand South Island

The Mandrare River, Madagascar

So now let's look at some scenes that are more the sort of thing we think about, when someone mentions 'landscapes'

Lake Hawea, New Zealand South Island

The Namarona River Gorge, Madagascar

Lake Andraikiba, Madagascar

Bass Strait Coast, Mornington Peninsula

South Somerset Farm Basking in the light of the Setting Sun

Bass Strait Coast

No, the Town's not on fire. It's just Sunset in Nelson, South Island of New Zealand

One Energy Source Lighting up Another

And now for some Airscapes from the bottom end of the Southern Alps of New Zealand. With thanks to Peter Hendriks of NZ Air Adventures, who flew us from Queenstown down to to Milford Sound and back

A few more scenes to wrap up this section - just click on the image to display the full photograph

More images in the Gallery