Flowers and Plants
The great thing about photographing plants is that unlike animals they can't move around. You don't have to lie in wait for them, and they don't fly off a split second before you take the shot. Flowers lend themselves to macrophotography as well as attracting insects (if you are into entomological photography), but they are of course seasonal, and once a particular plant's flowering season is over, your are going to have to wait the best part of a year before you get to photograph them again. Their images are particularly useful for greetings cards and calendars.
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Andalucia is a great place for Hibiscus flowers (that way we get out of committing to hibiscuses or hibisci, although both are apparently correct!)
Another great thing about Andalucia, especially for the photographer is the really good light.
Not only are roses extremely photogenic but they keep blooming throughout the late spring, summer and autumn.The main drawback is storing the vast collection of images that they continually tempt you into trying to capture.
While not having as long a flowering season as roses, fuchsias still give the photographer a couple of months to capture their elfin charm.
Wisteria is great value too, even if the second flowering is nowhere as good as the first.
Clematis (which we're not very good at growing) shares the trellis with our Wisteria
And then there's the Southern Hemisphere
A brief stop off in Spain on our way back to the UK
And now for somethings completely different
Even more in the gallery!