Confidence Photo Shoots
For some people being photographed is an ordeal they can do without. In response to clients' concerns and even fears about having their photo taken, we've developed an interactive "Confidence Photo Shoot" that actively involves the client from start to finish. They get to see and discuss the photographs we've produced as we go along. They have their own private area with restroom, shower and changing facilities, so that they can try different outfits, make up etc. The whole process is designed to be relaxing and enjoyable. Getting used to being the focus of attention takes time, so we always ensure that we have plenty of it when undertaking an Interactive Photo Shoot.
Some Of The Many Reasons To Have A Look Good On Camera Photo-Shoot.
Few of us end up doing exactly what we imagined we would do. As our careers develop and take this turn or that, we can find that we need to be in the public eye more than we had ever thought possible. We may have to deal with the press, be photographed for trade magazines or even publicity material. Being confident in front of the camera and knowing how to present our best image enables us to project a positive and impressive persona. Having a Look Good on Camera photo shoot could be a really smart career move.
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Public Life
Many people find themselves in high profile situations because of their success in business, politics, service to the community, voluntary organisations etc. They did not court publicity and they find being the centre of media attention quite a scary proposition. Learning how to face the camera with confidence and stature allows them to communicate impressively thereby furthering their effectiveness.
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Special Events
It is usual for people to take photographs at special events such as award ceremonies, college graduation, birthdays and anniversaries. Knowing how to look your photogenic best enhances those photographs and the pleasure that they bring in future years.
The idea of helping people who were camera-shy came from a request from Bob's partner's daughter-in law to be. " Bob," she said, "You do portrait photography. I'm terrified at how my wedding photos are going to come out. Could you take some photos of me so I can practise posing for the photographer?"
Bob had only just moved from film to digital, so transferring images to the computer was still a precarious process! But it was a revelation. It was a lovely sunny day. So they went out into the garden, took a few shots, popped back in to load them up, saw what was working and what wasn't, went back outside, back inside etc and from a well less than photogenic start, in the space of an hour and a half and a shed load of photos, they were getting really amazing results. We've never looked back. Over the years we've fine tuned the process and added some "nice to do" touches, but the basics are the same, and they always work.
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You may be thinking of beginning a career in modelling. Photographers and advertising companies are always looking for new models of all ages, shapes and sizes. Perhaps you have already had some assignments and are looking to develop your skills and/or your portfolio. Having one of our photo shoots will do just that.
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Photographs for/of someone special
Would you like to give your partner some great photos of yourself. Perhaps you would like to have some great photos of them. Alternatively you might want to capture an image of the pair of you together. Booking a Look Good on Camera photo shoot will give you what you want.
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Just for Fun
Our photo shoots are great fun. You learn a lot about yourself and get some really good photos into the bargain. So you really don't need a reason to book yourself in. Why not ring us today?
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